Hello families! 

We’re so glad you’re here. KidsPoint exists to help kids get closer to God! When kids have fun at church, they can’t wait to come back. KidsPoint is comprised of safe, age-appropriate environments for children (birth - 5th grade) to learn about Jesus. Check out how you can engage with KidsPoint below.

Joining us for the first time?

kidspoint camp 2024

An amazing experience this summer for children entering Kindergarten through completed 5th grade!
Games, worship, Bible stories, and more! Don't let your children miss it!

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Click below for more information

Babies- Kindergarten

Bloom exists to help people, tiny people, get closer to God. We do this by teaching them that God made us, God loves us, and Jesus wants to be our friend forever.

1st - 3rd Grade

Upstreet exists to help people, growing people, get closer to God. We do this by teaching them that they can know God, love others, and trust Jesus no matter what!

4th and 5th Grade

Route 45 exists to help people, tween people, get closer to God. We do this by teaching them that they need God, they can make a difference, and they can follow God's plan.
We want to partner with you to help your kids get closer to God! Check out our Parent Resources page for more information.

Volunteering in KidsPoint

KidsPoint Team members help kids to get closer to God in safe, fun, age-appropriate environment. Potential team members are subject to an interview and background check process before training and onboarding.